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Sunday 1 May 2011

Small but perfectly formed

Planting up Petunias and Dianthus in my lovely sunny garden this afternoon, a little white flash caught my eye and landed on the fence in front of me. This little stunner, known as the T-Moth or Morning-glory Plume Moth stayed where it was very obediently whilst I ran to grab my camera.

It looks as though it's making the effort to stand up and be noticed. It's wings straight out to the side, it seems to say "Look at me, check out my perfect angles. Aren't I just gorgeous?"

It's so easy ignore the little things that pass you by every day, but in the bug world, take a closer look and you will always find perfection and beauty even in the smallest and most abundant creatures.

This tiny this little moth is just beautiful. Not your standard moth shape, white or cream in colour, Emmelina Monodactyla has probably been mistaken for a piece of straw more times than it has been recognised as a moth! It might be classed as common, but how often have you actually seen one? Most probably die before a human claps eyes on it.

They fly all year round (except the depths of winter) and are abundant in the UK, so if you've never seen one, keep your eyes peeled!

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